
I believe that every Virginian should have access to healthcare whenever they need it; this is why I propose implementing in our Commonwealth a system of Universal Catastrophic Coverage supplemented by private insurance.

  • Under a UCC plan, emergency medical expenses are automatically covered by an insurance fund that would act as a payer of last resort, kicking in only after other systems such as Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance reach their coverage limits. Despite sounding expensive to operate, similar plans implemented in Singapore and Switzerland have actually lowered per-patient costs across the entire healthcare system.

    By providing a financial backstop for catastrophic expenses, our Commonwealth can reduce premiums for standard health insurance plans since insurers would carry less risk for extreme costs. Additionally, the Commonwealth will reduce the burden on hospitals and care providers in cases of uncompensated care, when uninsured or underinsured patients require emergency medical treatment they cannot afford.

    Under this plan, no Virginian would ever have to call an Uber to rush to the hospital in an emergency situation for fear of incurring huge ambulance costs.

  • I promise to support our Commonwealth’s protections on a woman’s right to choose, and I will fight to enshrine that right in our Constitution.